Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Budaya Pendidikan Kita; Antara Idealita & Realita
Saiful Aduar, S.Pd.

Pasti sudah banyak yang tahu, bahwa potensi yang dimiliki oleh otak manusia itu sungguh luar biasa. Tapi sayangnya potensi itu hanya tinggal potensi. Sebagian besar manusia belum bisa mengoptimalkan potensi otak yang dimilikinya. Orang secerdas Einstein saja, konon baru berhasil mengaktualkan 20% saja dari potensi otaknya.

Yang juga sangat disayangkan, sebagian besar kita tidak mengerti dan mengetahui cara memotivasi potensi yang terkandung di otak. Fatalnya lagi, potensi tersebut tidak saja tidak termotivasi melainkan malah diplester rapat-rapat sehingga potensi otak tersebut tidak bisa mengaktual.

Sebagian besar metode dan suasana pengajaran di sekolah-sekolah yang digunakan para pelaku pendidikan kita tampaknya lebih banyak menghambat daripada memotivasi potensi otak. Sebagai misal, seorang peserta didik hanya disiapkan sebagai seorang anak yang harus mau mendengarkan, mau menerima seluruh informasi dan mentaati segala perlakuan gurunya. Dan yang lebih parah lagi adalah fakta bahwa semua yang dipelajari di bangku sekolah itu ternyata tidak integratif dengan realitas kehidupan sehari-hari. Bahkan tak jarang kenyataan sehari-hari yang mereka saksikan bertolak belakang dengan pelajaran di sekolah.

Budaya dan mental semacam ini pada gilirannya membuat siswa tidak mampu mengaktivasi kemampuan otaknya. Sehingga mereka tidak berani menyampaikan pendapat, lemah penalaran dan tergantung pada orang lain. Budaya dan mental para pelajar seperti itu juga berkorelasi dengan budaya dan mental masyarakat secara luas. Yaitu bahwa masyarakat kita belum bisa berfikir mandiri sehingga budaya ‘mohon petunjuk’ menjadi hiasan harian yang wajar.

Disinilah tampaknya para ahli pendidikan perlu merumuskan kembali paradigma dan visi pendidikan kita. Seharusnya kita mengubah paradigma teaching (mengajar) menjadi learning (belajar). Dengan perubahan ini proses pendidikan menjadi “proses bagaimana belajar bersama antara guru dan anak didik”. Guru dalam konteks ini juga termasuk dalam proses belajar. Dalam paradigma ini, peserta didik tidak lagi disebut pupil (siswa), tapi learner ( yang belajar ).

Paradigma learning juga jelas terlihat dalam empat visi pendidikan menuju abad ke-21 versi Unesco. Pertama, learning to think (belajar berfikir). Ini berarti pendidikan berorientasi pada pengetahuan logis dan rasional sehingga learner berani menyatakan pendapat dan bersikap kritis serta memiliki semangat membaca yang tinggi. Kedua, learning to do (belajar berbuat/hidup). Aspek yang ingin dicapai dalam visi ini adalah keterampilan seorang anak didik dalam menyelesaikan problem keseharian. Dengan kata lain pendidikan diarahkan pada how to solve the problem. Ketiga, learning to live together (belajar hidup bersama). Disini pendidikan diarahkan pada pembentukan seorang anak didik yang berkesadaran bahwa kita ini hidup dalam sebuah dunia global bersama banyak manusia. Disinilah pendidikan akan nilai-nilai semisal perdamaian, penghormatan HAM, pelestarian lingkungan hidup, toleransi menjadi aspek utama yang mesti menginternal dalam kehidupan learner. Keempat, learning to be (belajar menjadi diri sendiri). Orang sekarang biasanya lebih melihat diri sebagai what you have, what you wear, what you drive, dll. Karena itu visi pendidikan hendaknya diorientasikan pada bagaimana seorang anak didik di masa depannya bisa tumbuh dan berkembang sebagai pribadi yang mandiri, memiliki harga diri dan tidak sekadar memiliki having (materi dan jabatan politis). Kesimpulannya, pendidikan tidak hanya berorientasi pada nilai akademik yang bersifat pemenuhan kognitif saja, melainkan juga berorientasi pada seorang anak didik bisa belajar dari lingkungan, dari pengalaman dan kehebatan orang lain, dari kekayaan dan luasnya hamparan alam, sehingga mereka bisa mengembangkan sikap-sikap kreatif dan daya berfikir imaginatif.

(Penulis adalah Mahasiswa Program Pasca Sarjana Kependidikan Unmul, tinggal di Tenggarong)
Road to Happiness

One of the most elusive objectives of every human being is "Happiness." The Quran reveals the secret of attaining perfect happiness in this life and forever. We learn from the Quran that happiness is an exclusive quality of the soul. Thus, a body that attains all the material successes it longs for - money, power, fame, etc. - often belongs to an unhappy person. Happiness depends totally on the degree of growth and development attained by the soul, the real person. The Quran provides a detailed map towards perfect happiness for both body and soul, both in this world and in the eternal Hereafter.
In the numerous verses throughout this proven Testament, God personally guarantees the believers' happiness, now and forever (10:62-64)

Seek to Please God
As believers in God alone, our priority in this life should be to fulfill God's expectation of us. We should live a life that will please God. What pleases God is not our utterances, but our actual intentions or actions to carry out His commandments. When pleasing God becomes the most important aspect of one's life, God will make every thing wonderful for him or her:
God promises those among you who believe and lead righteous life, that He will make them sovereigns on earth, as He did for those before them, and will establish for them the religion He has chosen for them, and will substitute peace and security for them in place of fear. All this because they worship Me alone, without setting up any idols besides Me. Those who disbelieve after this are the truly wicked" (24:55).
If you want to become a "king" or a "queen" on earth, then, you have to examine yourself sincerely at every opportunity. Anytime you have a problem in any aspect of your life -money, health, relationships, any problem-you must search for the lesson. As soon as you understand the lesson, everything will be all right. The problem will simply go away, and, more importantly, God will make it up to you. All bad effects of the past will be wiped out.
If you are sincere, God will perfect your relationship with Him, by putting you through tests, based on your weaknesses (3:14,8:28). For example, if you hold anything to be more important than God, He might take it away from you, in order to test you. Therefore, one must ask himself, "What is the most important thing in my life?" If your job is the most important thing, it may be taken away. If your children are the most important aspect of your life, they may be taken away.
God: Number one priority
The number one priority in everyone's life should be to please God. No one or nothing else should take priority before God. What is the number one priority in your life? Is it pleasing God, or your boss? Is it doing your five daily prayers to please God, or pleasing your friends who may not understand why you bow and prostrate? Is it going to the Friday prayer or taking care of your business? Is it to be with the believers in Quranic study or fulfilling your own desires by seeking recreation on Friday nights? What is it? You have to examine yourself carefully, and you must correct the situation immediately. If you put pleasing your friends ahead of pleasing God, God will embarrass you in front of those friends. However, if you put pleasing God ahead of pleasing your friends, God will shower you with dignity and respect in front of those friends. He will make them, force them, to respect you, and even love you. God controls the minds and hearts of all the people. God is the one who makes them love you, or hate you, or respect you.
Do you act differently with the believers than you normally act? Do you speak up and give your opinion to other believers because you honestly want to share your thoughts and understanding with them, or do you simply want them to be impressed by your knowledge? If the reason you speak out is to be respected by the believers, God will take away that respect. Whereas, if you speak out from an honest and sincere desire to express Quran and learn with those around you, God will shower you with admiration from the believers.
Once you make pleasing God the most important thing in your life, you will possess the most valuable thing one can ask for - God's support. But, if you make anything more important than pleasing God, you will be tested over and over. If you do not realize that fact after all the tests, you will lose both in this world and in the Hereafter.
(Saiful Aduar, S.Pd, Indonesian Participating Youth SSEAYP ’96)


Polygamy was a way of life until the Quran was revealed 1400 years ago. When the earth was young and under-populated, polygamy was one way of populating it and bringing in the human beings needed to carry out God's plan. By the time the Quran was revealed, the world had been sufficiently populated, and the Quran put down the first limitations against polygamy.
Polygamy is permitted in the Quran, but under strictly observed circumstances. Any abuse of this divine permission incurs severe retribution. Thus, although polygamy is permitted by God, it behooves us to examine our circumstances carefully before saying that a particular polygamous relationship is permissible.
Our perfect example here is the prophet Muhammad. He was married to one wife, Khadijah, until she died. He had all his children, except one, from Khadijah. Thus, she and her children enjoyed the Prophet's full attention for as long as she was married to him; twenty-five years. For all practical purposes, Muhammad had one wife - from the age of 25 to 50. During the remaining 13 years of his life, he married the aged widows of his friends who left many children. The children needed a complete home, with a fatherly figure, and the Prophet provided that. Providing a fatherly figure for orphans is the only specific circumstance in support of polygamy mentioned in the Quran (4:3).
Other than marrying widowed mothers of orphans, there were three political marriages in the Prophet's life. His close friends Abu Bakr and Omar insisted that he marry their daughters, Aisha and Hafsah, to establish traditional family ties among them. The third marriage was to Maria the Egyptian; she was given to him as a political gesture of friendship from the ruler of Egypt.
This perfect example tells us that a man must give his full attention and loyalty in marriage to his wife and children in order to raise a happy and wholesome family.
The Quran emphasizes the limitations against polygamy in very strong words:
"If you fear lest you may not be perfectly equitable in treating more than one wife, then you shall be content with one." (4:3) "You cannot be equitable in a polygamous relationship, no matter how hard you try." (4:129)
The Quranic limitations against polygamy point out the possibility of abusing God's law. Therefore, unless we are absolutely sure that God's law will not be abused, we had better resist our lust and stay away from polygamy. If the circumstances do not dictate polygamy, we had better give our full attention to one wife and one set of children. The children's psychological and social well-being, especially in countries where polygamy is prohibited, almost invariably dictate monogamy. A few basic criteria must be observed in contemplating polygamy:
1. It must alleviate pain and suffering and not cause any pain or suffering.
2. If you have a young family, it is almost certain that polygamy is an abuse. 3.Polygamy to substitute a younger wife is an abuse of God's law (4:19).

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